“What happened to Orange County?” United Flesh

Blog, California, Photographer California, Photographer Los Angeles, Photographer Orange County, Uncategorized

United Flesh’, a street photographic research, I started in 2010, illustrating the bridge of culture from the post WWII Americana to the image of the US today : a parallel between the American dream of the 50’s and the present day social and cultural landscape which shaped them.

Here, I chose a series on Orange County, CA and the city of Huntington Beach. This conservative city shows many contradictions and I wanted to caricature it. Huntington Beach is like a stereotype of many Southern California extremes that the economic, social and political system ended up creating. Some of those photographs were taken during the U.S. Open of Surfing; the same place have seen riots happening in 2013. Those “white” riots created a mini buzz that went viral on the internet, people were shocked watching such a place flipping upside down for no reason. Those kind of events can raise questions about the evolution of our system. I chose “happy/joyful” pictures since I focus on a revisited “American Dream” and not on violent scenes… but there is a second way to read those idealistic icons and a debate to install : What happened to the American dream and what form is it taking today? I believe that photography is made to open debates such as these.

RVRS Publications:

BL!SSS Magazine – Newport Beach, CA, USA
California Trips – Ankama Ed. – Artbook – France
ARTtitude Vol1 – Artbook – France
I Said A Hip – Artbook – France
Drawing is not a Crime – Online Magazine – France